News provided regional coverage for mixed martial arts (MMA), muay thai, and brazilian jiu jitsu (BJJ) in the DC, Virginia, and Maryland areas during the week of Jan. 24, 2011. Check out the stories that were featured on the site. News provided coverage for martial arts events during the period of January 24 through the 28th. During the week, visited Crazy88 Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Academy in Elkridge, MD and produced several articles about the MMA, brazilian jiu jitsu, and muay thai programs at the facility. Additional articles included a martial arts calendar for the MMA, BJJ, and muay thai events in the DC, Virginia, and Maryland area for the month of February, and also an article about a fundraiser for a paralyzed man at Evolve Academy of Martial Arts/SoldierFit. These are events that were featured as local news in DC.
The site visit to Crazy88 occurred on Sunday January 23, 2011 and included a visit to the brazilian jiu jitsu and muay thai programs at the site. Crazy88 BJJ is a 9000 sq. ft facility with changing rooms, restrooms, and large amounts of mat space. The academy is owned by BJJ brown belt Julius Park of Team Lloyd Irvin. The BJJ class was taught by David Zwanetz, who is a purple belt in the Team Lloyd Irvin association. The muay thai class was taught by Aung La N Sang. An overview of the facility and the programs offered were described in the article. This was the first article in the week for the local news in DC.
The second article about Crazy88 BJJ described the brazilian jiu jitsu program. The academy was started as a way for the current owner to get more training in while reducing his commute to Camp Springs, MD. Julius Park described the type of training they do and the competition regiment. Crazy88 BJJ travels internationally to compete in tournaments. The BJJ team trains regularly and also has MMA fighters. The BJJ program was the second article for local news in DC.
The third article during the week highlights the Evolve Academy of Martial Arts and SoldierFit fundraiser for a paralyzed man in Maryland. This was the 90 day challenge where students and non-students would measure their progress throughout the months and check their advancement at the end of 90 days. Prizes would be given away and people would have before and after pictures of themselves to see the progress they made. This was the third article for local news in DC.
The fourth article was a martial arts community calendar for events primarily in Virginia, DC, and Maryland. The events calendar consisted of MMA, muay thai, brazilian jiu jitsu, and submission wrestling tournaments and fights. One of the largest events is the WKA Nationals, which will be held in Hampton, VA. This will consist of MMA, muay thai, brazilian jiu jitsu, abd submission wrestling tournaments and fights. This is the fourth article for local news in DC.
The last article of the week was a focus on the muay thai program at Crazy88 BJJ Martial Arts Academy. The class was taught by MMA fighter Aung La N Sang. Aung stated that he has a 12-5 MMA record and is looking to continue fighting. After the class, students commented on their enjoyment of training at the facility. Julius Park stated his commitment to increase the activity of the muay thai competition team and revealed plans to add a ring and a full cage to the facility. This was the last article for local news in DC.
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