Not satisfied with the performance of the people in your organization to Increase Martial Arts School? Have you wished they were this type of ideal persona you have in mind? You might have thought that if only they did these, they would be just perfect but the bar you have set was being missed a couple of times and do you know why? It is not that it is too high for them to reach but you might have been missing out on the fact that their poor performance is due to the truth that they might be just way beyond the borders and areas they should really be within your team.
So what do we mean by that? Your way to Increase Martial Arts School might be halted and hampered greatly because their skills and capabilities do not match up with the work they are doing. You might have started by setting out to improve someone’s weakness – testing, evaluating, training, and trying to simply fit and mold a square peg into a round hole, just like what Paul Lemberg tries to point out. What you have to do is simply to STOP. Do not plan to continue doing it. You must not dwell upon what they cannot do; what they just would not do…. You should not be focusing on their weaknesses! Instead, try to figure out what they are already really really good at and then try hard to train them to be brilliant. Wouldn’t it save more time and effort both on your part and would create more value for you to Increase Martial Arts School? It is far easier. Sure, it might mean a few more staff positions, but so what–each person is performing at the maximum in one thing that makes you money, instead of wasting time doing all those other things poorly.
Another thing that might be happening in your organization that is causing you not to have your way to Increase Martial Arts School is that you must have started with a great performer who is smart and effective but then you have an open position somewhere along the road, and you simply slip that great performer into the open position, thinking, “They’re smart, they can handle it.” The difficulty comes when that great performer doesn’t perform, and out of loyalty, inertia or a simple unwillingness to admit mistakes, you leave them in place–causing great harm to both the employee and the business. Their poor performance totally ruins their self-esteem and harms the performance of those around them. They know they aren’t contributing at a high level and finally they leave, or you fire them.
Are there people in your organization who could perform better in a different position? Are there employees in your company who are simply not performing at all? Do them and everyone else a favor by initially moving them or simply asking them to leave. And you have to do it quickly! Try these to Increase Martial Arts School.
Dion Riccardo is known as the “Complete Coach” in the Martial Arts community. He is a sought out seminar Instructor who has taught both milatary and law enforcment personle. He established VMAA over 10 years ago and owns 2 schools in the Chicago area. He is also the creator of the “JKD Video Library”
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