Download the 1st Degree Black belt syllabus in American Advanced Kenpo Karate Dvd

1st Degree Black Belt Article

An insight into what you should be taught on the 1st Degree Black belt syllabus at expert level in American Advanced Kenpo Karate. Download Kenpo Karate Dvds

Why should anyone take up martial arts? You may have several reasons such as protecting yourself getting fit loosing weight and become confident in every thing that you do.  No matter what your reasons are you will feel good about yourself when you achieve your goal which ever road you decide to take in life.

The 1st Degree Black Belt syllabus is the ninth belt to be taught to you at expert level in American Advanced Kenpo Karate.

As a qualified 1st brown belt you may decide to continue on to learn the next belt level which is the expert level, consisting of Long Form 4 on Both Sides   24 Self Defence Techniques, and Freestyle Sparring Techniques.Download Self Defense Dvds

 The first part of the syllabus you will be taught on the 1st Degree Black belt is long form 4 taught on both sides;   commonly known as the workhorse kata of the system it is mixture of some of the advanced techniques that you have already been taught and some new techniques such as darting leaves. It will improve your fluidity and agility in long medium and close quarter fighting, using the angles on the clock to manipulate your opponent or opponents in combat.

 The next part of the 1st Degree Black belt syllabus that you will be taught is the 24 Self-defense techniques. You will now return to purple belt syllabus and be taught extensions to the 24 self defense techniques that you have already been taught on the purple belt. Adding more weapons and multiple strikes to your techniques will improve your speed and power than you can use in combat if the need arises. 

The last part of the syllabus on the 1st Degree Black belt that you will be taught is the freestyle sparring self defence techniques, this is a combination of foot manoeuvres hand and kicking techniques used in a stationary position, these techniques will also teach you how to close the gap between you and your opponent and improve your fighting ability.  Freestyle sparring is divided into two categories tournament and street fighting techniques, in tournament you have rules but on the street there is no such a thing as rules.

Download Freestyle Sparring Dvds

To be successful in any subject you need to have an open mind and study under a good teacher who also has an open mind and ready to modify at any given time.      

 George Maughan
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